Our firm is fully operational, working remotely from home using technology, with only essential staff rotating in the office. We are willing and able to help our clients with all of their construction and property law needs during this period of uncertainty. These are unprecedented times that require dedication and creative solutions for litigating and resolving disputes with little access to the courts. We are able to successfully navigate new filings, discovery, depositions, mediations and arbitrations as we await the opening of the courts.


Reasons to Avoid Tree Topping

tree damage lawyer

Many homeowners hire crews to come in and drastically cut back large trees on their properties on a regular basis. The practice of removing large branches from trees is referred to as topping, and it can also be called stubbing or heading. No matter what the name, this practice is unnecessary and can even cause additional risks and damage….

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Force Majeure Clauses in Contracts

contract disputes

Before you sign a contract, it is important to negotiate certain key terms, including when it is possible to cancel the contract early or place it on hold. Many parties decide to include a force majeure provision, which allows parties to halt their obligations under an agreement due to acts of God or other major events. With the current…

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