Franchise relationships can be lucrative for everyone involved – that is, as long as the agreement is airtight and favorable to both parties. However, franchise disputes do arise, and they can be costly in many ways. If you have a franchise dispute, reach out to a Calabasas business lawyer for assistance as soon as possible.
Franchise Agreement Disputes
The heart of a franchise relationship is the franchise agreement. Like any contract, each party is expected to abide by the terms of the agreement. When they do not, one party might accuse the other of breaching the contract. Non-adherence to the franchise agreement can be costly, and you want to resolve these disputes with the help of an attorney as soon as possible.
Other common franchise disputes involve misusing the intellectual property (IP) of the franchisor, disagreements over who provides materials, and claims that franchisors are failing to provide adequate support for the franchisees.
Often, these disputes can be resolved through negotiation with help from an experienced Calabasas business lawyer. If one party refuses to compromise, the issue might go to alternative dispute resolution. The franchise agreement generally states whether a dispute must be resolved through mediation or arbitration. If the agreement does not require a certain type of conflict resolution, one party might file a lawsuit. You want an experienced business litigator representing you if the case heads to court.
Speak with a Calabasas Business Attorney
Are you a franchisor or franchisee that has an issue with your agreement or franchise relationship? Do not let the matter escalate any further than it needs to. Discuss the matter with a skilled attorney at the Law Offices of Alan Carnegie, APC. We help all types of businesses with many legal concerns, so contact us for more information as soon as possible.